2016 Polar SUPERPLUNGE is in the books.

The 2016 edition of the SUPERPLUNGE benefiting the Special Olympics OR is in the books and another 24 plunges completed.

The Columbia River was 6 degrees warmer this year than it was last year, but this year seemed to be much colder! My goal was to completely submerge myself for each plunge, but that  goal was pushed to the side after the second plunge. As soon as the water got to my knees, all I could think about was, “dang, this water is cold!” Most of the time I would go up to my waist with the river water, but at the early morning hours, I was only going up to my knees. I did go all they way under for the final plunge, so 2 of the 24 plunges met my goal.

This year we had 14 SUPERPLUNGERS taking part in the 24 hour plungefest in the Columbia River. In between plunges, we had a nice warm tent to keep us warm, a 999 piece puzzle to occupy our minds and karaoke to torture the other SUPERPLUNGERS with. There were plenty of themed plunges, including Risky Business, Tutu, I ‘MUSTACHE’ you a question, Christmas, Sports, MINI, Western and my 0300 SPARTAN plunge.

2015SP_spartanYes, my angry face looks more like a constipation face. Yay. I may have complained that the river was cold every single plunge, mainly because it was, but really it was because the river WAS REALLY COLD. Every time my feet hit the water, it felt like my feet were burning.

The whole experience is something that’s a little hard to describe. You are with a really diverse group of people for 24 hours, doing something than sane/normal people would never do. After my three years doing the SUPERPLUNGE it feels more like a family than a bunch of random people doing silly things for the benefit of a well deserved cause.

2016sp5kIn the 8 o’clock hour, I ran the 5K that the Polar Plunge put on. Yes, I may have started an hour earlier than the rest of the group, but I was also running on a modified course because it would have taken my over an hour to get to the race start and to run the race. I would have missed a plunge! But I completed the 5k in under 30 minutes. Not too bad being up for over 24 hours.

Oh, before I forget again, if you want to help out for next years SUPERPLUNGE and are also a coffee lover, check out Blind Coffee Roaster’s POLAR BEAR WARMER Coffee. $5 from each pound sold goes to the Special Olympics OR.

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