I guess you can say it’s been a while since I added content here. It’s a combination of things, but this is basically an online public journal of my OCR events and trainjng for them.
Having said that, I’ve started up on a half marathon training program that I’m currently finishing up week 6 with a 90 minute long run. I think I’ll ruck this run with 20 pounds added.
This was my first year running the Hood to Coast relay race and it will be an experience that I will never forget, for a few reasons.
This was my first relay race so this was a race that was completely new format for me. I was able to get on a team thanks to a post I saw in the Timbers Army Running Club group on Facebook. I didn’t have a race that weekend on my schedule, so I jumped on the chance to be able to check this race off my todo list. During the planning stages of the race for the team, we were asked to look at the legs and figure out which one we wanted to run. Since I run mostly OCR’s now, I didn’t really care which leg I ran, so I simply told the group, “I don’t care which leg I run, so I will take whichever leg is the leftover.” Continue reading Hood to Coast 2016→
Here is an email that I received from BattleFrog yesterday…
Thank you for being a valued customer. Today, BattleFrog announced that it will be suspending its 2016 racing season as it focuses its efforts on product alignment and its popular media programming. As a result, all races have been cancelled.
I started a marathon training plan 11 weeks ago, so it was bound to happen: a new record for longest distance. I beat my previous distance of 13.3 miles by .7-.5 of a mile depending on what platform you check. I guess GPX files from one site transferred to another adds distance? Who knew.. Today I ran 14.07 miles and while I was tired and really had to use the bathroom, I felt that I could have gone on for a number of miles further. Continue reading Longest Distance (New Record)→
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My Adventures in Obstacle Course Races and Training for them