Tag Archives: 5k

2014 Rugged Maniac

This was, by far, the most fun mud run I have ever done. It was a little challenging and great practice for the Spartan Beast next week. I’m glad I was able to use my gear for this as I found out that the half gloves that I was planning on wearing are not good to use. Once they get wet, they make everything more slippery and not sticky.The only obstacle that I failed on what the ring swings, mostly due to my hands being extra slippery. Thanks gloves.
Continue reading 2014 Rugged Maniac

Registered for two more races today

What’s the one thing you can count on from a race? A finish line? Bananas? Well, yes, but also flyers for other upcoming races! I found out about the Fire Dash and Zombie Fest. The Fire Dash is a unique obstacle course that is designed to simulate fire fighting situations that benefits the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation. Double bonus if you ask me.  Then the Zombie Fest, another race that you have to outrun zombies. The Races page has been updated!

2012 Warrior Dash – Day 2

This run, I had a contest on Facebook that whoever donated the most money to St. Judes got to pick what I raced in. My friend Seth and his family donated were the highest bidders and chose Lion-O from the Tundercats. What a great choice! This was also my second Warrior Dash in two days. My official completion time was 54:13.15. Continue reading 2012 Warrior Dash – Day 2