Training has been going well. I’ve started another round of P90X to help train for the Super Spartan in Seattle which is 3 weeks away. In the past few weeks I’ve completed two races, the Shamrock Run Half and the latest Zombies Run virtual race. Continue reading 2016 Shamrock Run and Zombies Run Virtual 5k
Tag Archives: half marathon
Disneyland 2016 Star Wars Rebel Challenge
I know last year I said that I wouldn’t do the Star Wars Half Marathon as Disney races are very expensive and you really can’t run a true race, unless you are the first 50 out the gate, due to the course going through Disneyland and has multiple choke points. It was hard to turn off my competitive switch, but I did what I could to enjoy the runs.
Saturday was the 10k, which was 98% inside of Disneyland and like all Disneyland races I have done the race was to start at 5:30am. Luckily I was staying at the Disneyland Hotel, so I was fortunate enough to wake up at 4:45am to start the race and not 3:30am like last year. While doing my pre-race stretches, the middle of my lower back gave me a little ZING and I was horrified. I did a quick jog and I didn’t feel my back, so I was hopeful that I would be able to finish the race, that started in less than 10 minutes. I continued my pre-race stretching and a few minutes later, the race started. Continue reading Disneyland 2016 Star Wars Rebel Challenge
The Inaugural Star Wars Half Marathon
My mother is a certified Disney nut and when she asked me if I wanted to do a Star Wars Half Marathon, I quickly said yes. So quickly in fact, that I hadn’t even completed my first half marathon yet. My mom signed up for the 5k and 10k and let me run the half marathon. At the time, running a Spartan Beast the day before wasn’t even on my radar, and this race was a few months after Beat The Blerch, so I was confident that I would be able to finish this half marathon. Bonus points: it’s Star Wars themed! Oh yea!
Marathon Weekend Results are in!
SoCal Spartan Beast – 12.24 miles – 1/17/2015
Overall: 1866/3194
Gender: 1477/2288
Age Group: 247/384
Total Time: 4:56:48
Disney Star Wars Half Marathon – 13.3 miles – 1/18/2015
Overall: 1887/10374
Gender: 1256/4400
Age Group: 277/980
Total Time: 2:16:04
2014 Goals Revisited and Looking forward to 2015
For 2014 I had a few goals, become a member of the Spartan Trifecta (complete a Spartan Sprint, Super and Beast in the same calendar year) and complete a half Marathon. I completed both of those goals in 2014, which helped me get into the best shape of my life and I did obstacles that I never thought I would be able to do. Continue reading 2014 Goals Revisited and Looking forward to 2015