I finally ran a half marathon. I never imagined that I would be able to do this when I first started running. I thought, maybe at most, I would do a 15k, but a half marathon, that’s just crazy go nuts! Well, thanks to my RunKeeper Half Marathon training plan, I have built up my endurance to run a half marathon!
In truth, I was supposed to stop at 13 miles, with the full half marathon is to take place in two weeks. But I had already gone 13 miles, what’s another .1? Besides, now I have a PR to beat when I do finish the training plan.
Total Miles: 20.5
Time Running: 3:07:00
Average Pace: 9:07 per mile
RunKeeper Personal Records this week:
Distance in a week
Duration in a week
Calories burned in a week
Duration in a month
Calories burned in a month
Elevation climb in a month