Well, I did it. I completed a GORUCK event. After last years Medical DNF from the Halloween Tough, where I got further than I thought I would but still mentally messed me up, I signed up for a GORUCK Light and completed it. Not exactly apples to apples, but it’s a completed event none the less.
I got to the starting point with about 2 minutes to spare. I hadn’ t seen anything about a need to wear a costume, so I went wearing my normal endurance event gear. Sure enough I see 3 or 4 people out of 30 or so people in costume. My first thought was “what did I miss, oh well can’t change it now.” Sure enough. 2 hours prior to the start Cadre DS posted to the events facebook page to be in costume. Note to future Halloween GORUCK participants: Expect there to be a costume requirement. Bring something light and easy to pack. It may save your butt! Continue reading Portland GORUCK Light 28-OCT-2017 →
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In preparation to do a GORUCK Light and to make Spartan’s Hurricane Heats suck a bit less, I signed up for the Pathfinder Forward Ruck Training Program after learning about it on Instagram and reading through the program description and reading through the Team Spearhead website. While the information is a bit older on the Team Spearhead site, the information is more expanded and explained there. I knew that this training program would help me be a prepared as I can for an endurance event.
Continue reading Pathfinder Forward Ruck Training Program Review →
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Half Marathon Training Week 7 Day 4: 40 min easy run. Completed with 20lbs ruck. I wanted to quit at around the 30 minute mark, but I pulled myself out of that mental block and pushed through. Glad I did!
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Long Run – 90 minutes. I decided to do this run with my ruck, which I filled with my GoRuck 20 pound plate. Nice little rainy run through the city. 
Continue reading HMT Week 6 – Day 7 →
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My Adventures in Obstacle Course Races and Training for them