Mid January I have the SoCal Spartan Beast on 1/17 and the next day the Star Wars Half Marathon at Disneyland or what I am calling my “Marathon Weekend” as I am guessing that I will be running close to a full marathon that weekend. I’ve upped my training with trail runs, as I found an entrance to a park that is three miles away so I can add in trail running into my longer runs. Within the trails of the park, I can quite easily run a half marathon in, so there’s plenty of trails to explore. I’ve nicknamed this run the “Grandma’s House” run.
Closer to the house is a .45 mile hill loop that is pretty steep that connects to a bridge and stairs for getting a hill workout on my smaller runs. I’ve noticed that the stairs have gotten a little easier, but the uphill run is still brutal. I’m glad the hill is there to train with!